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Tour di bradipi, tucani e rane

Killed billed frog, night tour

tapir, night tour

esmerald glass frog, night tour

Killed billed frog, night tour
NIGHT TOUR We start at 5pm while there is still some light, where we will enjoy observing toucans, monkeys and more. At dusk we begin a tour through the forest trails, where we can enjoy the two- and three-toed sloths, frogs as red eyes, mask, cristal between oter species and toads like bull and more. We also observe other mammals, such as armadillos, tapir, kinkajous (hammer), snakes and more. Where you will have a lovely night observing lots of wildlife.
Price $ 135. per person. Includes: Transportation in 4WD where I will be your driver and guide. Also, coffe or tea and cockies
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